Here they are on the grass. The first one I made has the stripes that go up and down. It is for my baby Sister Julia.
The second one I made goes right to left on stripes and is for my young woman's leader. We went to her baby shower today and it was a gift for her.
Look at me I am playing on the yard toys.
Hey dad stop taking pictures of me. I also finished a quilt top for my baby sister Julia. My mom helped me baste it and I am now quilting on it. In the ditch (or wandering near it).
If you are interested in me making one for you let me know I work for food (or at least that's what my dad think's)

Love your baby toys and your quilt!
You need a pair of quilting gloves. I've been quilting since I was about 9 or 10 years old but I only discovered quilting gloves in the last 6 months or so and they have completely changed my life as far as quilting! Trust me! The ones I have are Machingers, they are about $8 at Jo-Anne's I think. Tell your dad to get himself a big man sized pair too. :D
I agree, Becca. You need some quilter's gloves. They work so well and help you hold onto the quilt. You are doing an awesome job! I love the cupcake toys. Love the colors on your quilt for Julia. Keep it up!
The cupcake toys are wonderful! How lucky your YW leader is! I'll bet that was fun, going to the shower. Love the pictures of you quilting. The quilting gloves will help - or if you have winter gloves with those rubber dots on them, that would even work until you get quilting gloves. Alternately, check out the slider and hoop here on the web.
Those cupcakes are SO cute!
With just a few changes to the pattern, they could easily be PET toys, too.
Tem um dito popular aqui no Brasil:Quem sai aos seus não degenera.Você está começando muito bem.Parabéns pelo trabalho e Blog.Deus te abençoe.
Becca, those cupcake baby toys are so cute! I love those fabrics! The colors are so much fun! And your quilt top is so bright and cheerful! Great job and thank you for linking up!
xo -E
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